
Sunday, November 25, 2012

30 day blog challenge

Ok I found a 30 day blog list on another blog and I'm going to give it a try. Here is the list:

1).  A recent photo of me and 15 interesting facts about myself.

2). What's in my bag?

3). The meaning behind my blogger name.

4). Weird things you do when you are alone.

5). What kind of person attracts you?

6). Something that I crave for a lot.

7). A habit I wish I didn't have.

8). Short term goals/ goals for the month.

9). Nicknames ...why and how did I get them?

10). 3 things you are proud of about your personality.

11). My skin care regime.

12). 10 things about you people really don't expect.

13). Put mu I-Pod on shuffle and the first 10 songs that play as well as quotes from them.

14). Songs that I listen to when I'm happy/mad/sad/bored/hyper etc...

15). Long term goals.

16). My blog story.

17). A picture of me 2-3 years ago and now. How much have I change since then?

18). Things that I do when I'm stuck at home on a rainy day.

19). Talk about your siblings.

20). A person I look up to.

21). My pet peeves.

22). Someone I would want to stitch life with for a day.

23). 5 things that irritate you about the opposite sex/same sex.

24). favorite haunts during the weekend.

25). What makes me different from people my age?

26). Who am I?

27). My favorite brand of clothing/bags/whatever.

28). Hauls this month.

29). Why am I doing this 30-day blog challenge?

30). What have I learned in the past month?

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