
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 4 0f 30 day challenge- Weird things you do when you are alone.

Ok day 4 is

So I have to blog about weird things I do when I'm alone. This could be very interesting! lol I don't know if I'm weird or not. Does a person really think the things they do are weird...I always thought that other people just thought other people are weird! lol Since I have to come up with something I'm going to say one weird thing I do when I'm alone is I turn on one of the music channels on tv and dance as goofy as I can. I dance like the like no one is watching. My dog and cat are
watching though and they look at me weird and the dog starts jumping around like I'm doing this all for his enjoyment because he thinks I'm trying to play with him!! lol

I also talk to myself when I'm alone. I'm told that is fine as long as you don't answer yourself...I actually answer myself sometimes! Does that mean I'm crazy? Nahhhhh I think it just makes me weird!! LOL I can't think of anything else that I do weird when I'm alone. I guess like I mentioned at he beginning of this post people really don't think the things the do are weird so I guess I'm out of things to blog about for now. :)

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