
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 8 of 30 day challenge-short term goals/goals for the month

This is my post for day 8 of my 30 day blogger challenge. My topic today is what are my short term goals/goals for the month. Well my goal for the month is to get my Christmas shopping finished. I have bought one gift and it is for Boogie. I really need to get on the ball here and get things bought and wrapped up!
Another goal is to be caffeine free by the end of the month. I also need to be off of all sleep aids except Melatonin. I had a major reaction to my Ambien and have been taken off of it but I'm having to take Valium to calm my panic attacks down so I can sleep at night. My goals is to only take the Valium for as long as absolutely necessary! If you take Ambien and are reading this please consider talking to your physician about getting off of it. It put me into a complete nervous breakdown/psychosis crisis episode. I wanted to hurt myself and had to be watched 24 hours a day until the Ambien was out of my system. Hubby has missed 2 weeks of work and goes back for the first day tomorrow. Hopefully I do well without him and the panic attacks stay under control!
I finished one of my goals for the month yesterday. I got my Christmas decorating completed! Here are some photos of my handy work:
our table below the tv that has our electronics in it.

our Christmas tree

the shelf by our tv.

A view of the front part of our living room. The tree is behind here in the left corner.Waylon had to be in the photo too...he is too cute! :)

                                             our table by the front door.

                                 close up of Love, Faith and Hope above the tv.

I also put lights up around the front porch but I will have to take photos of that later...after I clean up the porch because it's a mess right now. Well I think that's about it for my short term goals for the month. I have lots more but probably won't get them done so I may as well not waste mine or your time putting them here for now. LOL :)

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