
Sunday, December 9, 2012

I'm behind!! Day 13 & 14 of my 30 day challenge.

I've been dealing with some really hard personal feelings the past few days and have neglected my blog...I'm sorry! I've really tried but when dealing with depression some days some things are just put on the back burner. Now I have a lot of catching up to do so, here we go:

Day 13 of my 30 day blogger challenge topic is: Put my Ipod on shuffle and the first 10 songs that play as well as quotes from them. Well this is an easy topic to do because sadly I don't own an Ipod. I know what you're thinking...WHAT you don't own an Ipod? Nope I don't!! I did but hubby ended up with it cause I hardly ever used it. What is the use in having something if you don't use it? So that's that on this topic! LOL

Day 14- Songs that I listen to when I'm happy/mad/sad/bored/hyper/etc...
Ok I do listen to music! I listen to music on my truck radio and on the tv music channels as well as my computer. The music I listen to when I'm happy is any of Zac Brown Bands songs as well as some of the oldies like Van Morrison, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, etc... When I'm mad I guess I don't like to listen to music at all . When I'm sad old country music, bored I'll listen to anything, hyper I'd say something like Pantera and Metallica. I listen to a large variety of music. The only music I do not like is rap. I hate rap!!!
So that it for day 13 & 14 :)

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